
What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a place to explore the invitation for wholeness in one’s life, relationships, vocation, and way-of-being in the world.  It is a gentle space where the director companions the directee as, together, they follow the thread of Inner Wisdom or the Spirit.

A spiritual direction session can look different depending on the person and the session. The agenda is simply to meet the spiritual needs of the directee in that day. A session may include:

  • contemplative quiet

  • spiritual practices

  • engagement with sacred texts

  • verbal processing of feelings

  • discernment

  • noticing of body and breath

  • curiosity about intuition and dreams

Religion is a source of deep wounding for many, a source of belonging for some, a source of ambivalence for others, and often a mix of these. A directee does not have to be of a certain faith tradition or spirituality to be in spiritual direction, they simply must come with a curiosity about how to engage the call of spiritual wellbeing in their life. 

Spiritual direction takes place for an hour about once a month either in-person or virtually.

I am not taking new directees at this time. I am on a parental leave pause.


In spiritual direction with Molly I know that I'll be held in love even as I work through challenges. Working with Molly is to be continually looking for Spirit's deeper invitation while being reminded of my own belovedness.

- LR, directee

Each time Molly prays, affirms, laughs or is even tearful with me, she radiates nurturing energy with patience and intention. Molly, as a person, and the safe, divine space she creates for spiritual discernment, has been a life-changing gift.

- KM, directee

Molly guides spiritual direction sessions based both on her True Self and her deep social and cultural awareness. Because of her excellent ability to notice, she holds her directees in a safe space and responds to them contemplatively. To whoever wants to encounter the Holy and a profound understanding of themselves, I highly recommend Molly to them.

- Rev. Dr. Daniel Daeseop Yi (Affiliate Faculty in Spirituality, University of Redlands Graduate School of Theology)


Molly’s fee for a one-hour session of spiritual direction is $80. The first session is free.

A sliding scale fee of $50 is available as needed.

Payments are received through paypal, zelle, venmo, or as otherwise agreed upon.